Strategies and Tips to Repurpose Your Original Content

Discover the power of repurposing content and learn how a content refresh can revitalize your online presence, engage diverse audiences, and maximize value.

Kara Hartnett

5/2/20234 min read

As content creators, we pour countless hours and energy into crafting valuable and engaging material for our audience. But let's face it – the digital landscape is constantly evolving, and even the most outstanding content can eventually lose its appeal.

That's where the magic of repurposing comes in. By breathing new life into your existing content, you can harness its power in fresh and exciting ways.

In this blog, we'll delve deep into the world of content repurposing by exploring its numerous benefits and offering actionable strategies and tips to inspire your own repurposing journey.

What does it mean to repurpose content?

Content repurposing takes existing content, like blog posts or articles, and transforms it into new formats or styles. By doing so, you can serve various purposes or connect with a wider audience. For example, you can convert a blog into an engaging infographic, thought-provoking podcast, or enlightening video tutorial.

Repurposing pieces of content allows you to harness the potential of your existing material and increase organic traffic. You can cater to a more diverse audience and sustain an ever-evolving and engaging online presence.

Why does repurposing content matter?

Repurposing content matters because it allows you to maximize the value of your existing material, reach a wider audience with diverse preferences, and maintain a fresh, engaging online presence without constantly creating new content from scratch.

  1. Broaden your horizons: People prefer to consume information in different ways. You can connect with new audiences by repurposing content across various platforms and formats, ultimately expanding your brand's reach.

  2. Drive your message home: Strengthen your core message through various formats and contexts to better resonate with your audience. This helps to ensure people absorb and retain your key points.

  3. Save time and money: It can be time-consuming to craft valuable content. Save time, effort, and the cost of starting from scratch by transforming existing material into fresh content. This allows you to deliver valuable insights to your audience without having to expend a lot of effort.

  4. Improve SEO performance: More content means more opportunities for search engines to find and rank your website. Breathing fresh life into your content can boost your visibility and attract new visitors. Targeting keywords that may now rank higher than when you originally wrote the content is a prime example.

  5. Resurrect hidden gems: Many people do not remember your past insights while new followers have never been introduced. Give your older content the attention it deserves by repurposing it and ensuring your audience benefits from your expertise.

Strategies for a successful content refresh

  1. Turn blog posts into engaging infographics: A picture is worth a thousand words, and infographics are the perfect example. Transform your blog post's key points into an eye-catching infographic to share on platforms like Pinterest and Instagram.

  2. Create a compelling podcast series: Tap into the growing podcast audience. To do so, turn your blog content into captivating episodes that offer listeners valuable insights on the go.

  3. Produce impactful video content: Videos are highly shareable and provide an immersive experience. Repurpose your blog posts into video tutorials or visual narratives that will captivate your audience on platforms like YouTube and Vimeo.

  4. Generate share-worthy social media posts: Break down your blog post into bite-sized, shareable snippets. You can use these to engage your followers on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

  5. Compile an e-book or comprehensive guide: Combine your related high-quality content into a detailed e-book or guide. This offers your audience a one-stop resource for in-depth knowledge on a particular topic and increases your conversion rate. Make sure you have an SEO-optimized landing page for all gated content.

  6. Host webinars or interactive workshops: Provide your audience with an interactive and immersive learning experience. You can do this by turning your blog content into the foundation for webinars, workshops, or online courses.

  7. Craft slide decks and presentations: Repurpose content into a visually appealing slide deck or presentation. You can share these on platforms like SlideShare, or use it as a basis for webinars and workshops.

Practical tips you can use to repurpose your content

  1. Evaluate your content library: Identify evergreen content, content that performed well in the past, or content that addresses popular topics. These are prime candidates for repurposing.

  2. Understand your target audience: Determine your audience's content preferences and tailor your repurposed content to cater to their interests and habits.

  3. Optimize for platform requirements: Each content format and platform has its unique set of requirements and expectations. Be mindful of these nuances when repurposing your content to maximize its impact.

  4. Inject creativity: Don't just rehash your content; instead, add fresh insights, update statistics, or present it from a different perspective. You can increase traffic by making sure content stays fresh.

  5. Measure your success: Keep tabs on the performance of your repurposed content, such as with Google Analytics. This can help to refine your content strategy, identify what works best, and improve future content.

  6. Collaborate with industry influencers: Forge partnerships with influencers in your niche to co-create or promote your repurposed content. This will help to extend your reach and bolster your credibility.

  7. Stay current and relevant: Keep an eye on trending topics and current events. Repurpose content that aligns with the zeitgeist to capitalize on the buzz and maintain a fresh, up-to-date online presence.

  8. Maintain brand consistency: Repurposing content can backfire if you change your brand identity and core message while doing so. Make sure to remain consistent while working across all channels.

  9. Strive for balance: Be mindful not to overwhelm your audience with the same message in multiple formats. Strike a balance between fresh, original content and repurposed material to keep things interesting.

  10. Plan and strategize: Consider repurposing content into your overall content marketing plan. This will help ensure a steady stream of diverse and engaging material for your audience.

Captivate your audience like never before by repurposing content

Mastering the art of repurposing requires a combination of creativity, strategic thinking, and a profound understanding of your target audience. By embracing this powerful approach, you can extract maximum value from your existing content, engage new audiences, and reinforce your core message.

Feeling uncertain about where to kick off your content repurposing journey? Uncover the perfect starting point by diving into our insightful blog, "How to Perform a Content Audit on Your Existing Content."

Eager to revitalize your content, but short on time or resources? The Writing & Visuals Co. specializes in infusing creativity and fresh perspectives into your existing content. Don't let your valuable insights gather dust – get in touch with us today.