Video Production Services

Unleash Your Visual Story

The Writing & Visuals Co. offers tailored video production and editing services to showcase your brand and communicate your story. From scriptwriting to editing, we bring your brand to life, help you engage with your audience, and drive results. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you take your brand's visual storytelling to the next level.

Concept Development

Our team of skilled video producers work closely with you to develop a video concept to resonate with your audience and convey your brand story and objectives.

Our video production service includes


Need help telling your story but not sure where to start? Let us craft a compelling script to capture your audience's attention and effectively communicate your brand identity.

From there we provide


Scriptwriting is only one part of the video planning process. Crafting a detailed storyboard to outline the visual elements of your video ensures your vision is accurately reflected and your brand's story effectively communicated.

That leads into a critical step

Voiceover and Sound Design

Sound is an integral part of creating a successful video. With a custom sound design to complement your brand story, you can enhance the overall video impact. We can help you choose the right voiceover artist to bring your script to life.

We also offer talented

Video Editing

Our experts source or use your footage to create engaging videos. We add custom music, sound effects, graphics, and animations. With precise adjustments in pacing, timing, and color grading, your video will drive incredible results.

Now to bring the story to life

Animation and Graphics

Enhance your video content with our custom 2D/3D animation and motion graphics service. Our experts create stunning visuals to bring your brand's story to life, captivating and engaging your audience.

Not to mention the best
"I am delighted to provide a glowing testimonial for the exceptional videos The Writing & Visuals Co. created for "The Fight to End Hepatitis" campaign. The emotional impact of these videos is undeniable. The videos have been widely shared on social media, used for countless conferences and events, and have become an essential tool for our campaign. I highly recommend The Writing & Visuals Co. to anyone seeking a powerful and impactful video. Their professionalism and mastery of their craft were evident."

- Monica Fambrough, Communications Manager with The Task Force for Global Health

Success Story